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Technical Writers, Technical Writing

Resource Page


Create a Killer Portfolio!
Most people think a portfolio is just a collection of samples of
their work—not true!  Find out what a portfolio really is and
how to use one to and land that dream job or contract! 
PDF or HTML format.

Need to hire a technical writer? 
what to look for when trying to find a competent
technical writer.

What's Hot? 
Want to know what the
hot technologies will be so you can stay current and increase your marketability?

Need to reduce tech support costs? 
Read Jack Molisani's article on
why customers call tech
and what tech writers can do to reduce those calls.

Not getting enough interviews or offers? 
Read Jack Molisani's presentation on
The Top 10 Mistakes
People Make When Looking for Work

Independent Contractor or Temporary Employee? 
Are you an independent contractor or temporary employee?
Read the article on the
20 rules the
IRS uses
to determine your status.  Or get the data
straight from the horse's mouth at the
IRS website.

Want to break into technical writing? 
See the slides from Jack Molisani's "Jumpstart Your Tech Comm Career" presentation in
PDF or HTML format.

Looking for a new tech comm job?
five tips for finding work as a technical communicator.

Recommended Reading

(Click on the title for more information or to order the book.)

Nimble Documentation: The Practical Guide for World-Class Organizations by Adrienne Escoe.

The Practical Guide to People-Friendly Documentation by
Adrienne Escoe

FrameMaker for Dummies by Sarah O'Keefe, Sarah O'Keffe, John Warnock

A Practical Guide to Usability Testing by Jospeh Dumas and Janice Redish.

Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century by Robert E. Horn

The Non-Designer's Type Book Insights and Techniques for Creating Professional-Level Type by Robin Williams

The Non-Designer's Scan and Print Book: All You Need to Know about Production and Prepress to Get Great-Looking Pages by Sandee Cohen and Robin Williams

The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers

Strunk & White's Elements of Style

Human Factors for Technical Communicators by Marlana Coe

Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginning Indexers by Linda Fetters

The Art of Indexing by Larry Bonura

Adobe FrameMaker 5.5 Classroom in a Book

Newton's Telecom Dictionary 15th Edtion by Harry Newton

Managing Your Documentation Projects by Joann Hackos

The Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications

Standards for Online Communication by Joann Hackos and Dawn Stevens

MacMillan Dictionary for Students


Like a resource that is not on our list?  Send us a note and let us know about sites and books that should be added!


I'm  in the thick of the job-hunt of my life and I came across your 10 mistakes article. I'm writing to let you know that it was very very helpful.

I've been to a lot of sites and most have the same tips and hints almost like they've bee copy-pasted from one site to another or compiled from different sites.

D. G., Candidate

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